Guys! Thanksgiving is only a week away! Where did this entire year go? I feel like it was just April! I must be getting old…I’m hosting the family Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year, and I’m a little intimidated by the task! Cooking for 20 + can be BEYOND tough! I’ve been on the hunt this last month for Thanksgiving shortcuts. I’m pretty sure these will change your entire life!
Shortcut #1: Planning Is Everything
Seriously. Don’t ever go into this kind of event without a game plan. There’s a ton of people looking to you for delicious holiday food! Keep track of your guest list, assigned food items, and whatever else on a notepad, or on an Excel Doc. You’ll thank me later!
Shortcut #2: Plan Your Menu
Are there a few side dishes that your could probably live without? Whether it be a Jello casserole, or a unique Thanksgiving pie, don’t waste your time on dishes that won’t be eaten (or appreciated!)
Shortcut #3: Pick and Choose
It would be awfully hard to plan (and cook!) an entire Thanksgiving yourself! Assign out certain side dishes to relatives or attendees. Save your favorite recipes for yourself, I won’t tell!
Shortcut #4: Make A Grocery List
I know, I know, You’ve probably cooked Thanksgiving dinners for years! No matter, you still need a grocery list! Take stock of what’s needed in your favorite recipes, and make a list. This will save unnecessary grocery tips, and tons of unneeded stress! I need nothing else!
Shortcut #5: Break Out The Big Guns
Does your special holiday stuffing need the food processor that’s tucked away in the basement? Plan ahead and make sure that ALL of your Thanksgiving appliances are out and ready to go. If nothing else, you’ll save the energy needed to find your desired object!
Step #6: Prep, Prep, Prep
Instead of tackling all the baking for your large family on the day of Thanksgiving, prioritize your meals. Which recipes will keep well in the fridge or freezer? Make what you can ahead of time, and save yourself plenty of headache!
Step #7: What’s To Drink?
You may have the meal planned out, but what about the drinks? Turkey can be quite thirst-inducing! Take a few moments before your party to think about the kinds of drinks served. Regardless of the beverages chosen, make sure they are readily available, in a variety of flavors, and always cold!
Step #8: Label Dishes
The big day is finally here! Make sure that you label each and everyone of your Thanksgiving side-dishes. This will keep the buffet line moving, and will keep guests aware of any potential allergen concerns! Always label your dishes!
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