I have spent a lot of time over the last few months figuring out how I can be more eco-friendly in my everyday life. I have tried my hardest to reduce the usage of all single-use plastics in my home, and I am looking to take that same eco-friendly mentality to my travel, as well. Here are some of my top eco-friendly travel tips.
Simple Eco-Friendly Travel Tips To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Don’t Pick Up Environmental Souvenirs
It can be tempting to pick up a bit of driftwood or even some seashells when spending time at the beach, but I can’t tell you how dangerous this can be. Not only can it harm the ecosystem by removing something from it’s natural habitat, but the number of seashells on our beaches decreases every year. Leave the shells (and other items!) on the beach or trails.
Never Buy Bottled Water
While it seems like a good option, it’s never a good idea to buy bottled water. Not only is it a total rip off when you can get drinking water free from a fountain, but it leaves behind TONS of plastic waste. Bring your own bottle to refill throughout your journey and your wallet will DEFINITELY thank you.
Don’t Ask For New Towels Every Night
You wouldn’t get a new towel every night at home, so don’t get one every night on vacation! Constantly dirtying the towels in the hotel costs thousands of dollars in water in detergent if everyone did it! Why not save some water and even more energy?
Travel By Car
If you can, cut an airplane ride if it’s only 5 hours from your current location. Not only will you get to experience more scenery, but flying isn’t exactly eco-friendly. Believe it or not, driving a car is actually better!
Eat Locally
Avoid chain restaurants when eating on vacation if you can because these places often ship their food for thousands of miles before it makes it onto your plate. Opt for local eateries instead. Not only does the food taste better, but you are more likely to get a glimpse into the local culture.
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