I am constantly looking for more natural cleaning products for my bathroom! Toilet bowl cleaner can be astoundingly expensive when bought from the store, and they’re often filled with unhealthy chemicals and dyes. To save money (and bring healthier products into your home!) check out three of my favorite recipes!
Textured Spray
You’ll Need:
2 cup Distilled Water
3 Tbsp Baking Soda or Borax
1/3 cup Castile Soap
25 drops Essential Oils
Mix the water and borax until dissolved and slowly pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Pour in the Castile soap and add 25 drops of your favorite essential oil. Seal the bottle and shake well to combine. It’s natural that the mixture will separtate over time, simply shake well before each use.
Powder Blend
You’ll Need:
3/4 cup Baking Soda
3/4 cup Borax
45 drops Essential Oils
Mix powders together and add essential oils, stirring until the mixture is well combined. Transfer the blend into a mason jar or other tightly seal-able container. Store at room temperature in a dry place.
Squeeze Gel
You’ll Need:
2 cups Distilled Water
1 cup Baking Soda
1/3 cup Borax
1/3 cup Castile Soap
25 drops Essential Oils
Mix the water, baking soda, and borax together in a bowl until powders dissolve. Funnel this mixture into an empty squeeze bottle (from dish soap, honey, or an empty condiment container). Pour in the castile soap and add essential oils of choice. Shake the container well to combine all ingredients. Be sure to shake well before each use!
Where do I find Castille Soap?