I can’t be the only person who is absolutely in love with bright, white clothes! In fact, who DOESN’T like when their whites are bright and vibrant? No one! My white laundry definitely gets put through the wringer, and a few of my favorite white t-shirts are turning more and more yellow throughout each wash cycle. Instead of constantly purchasing new white clothes, I set out to find an all-natural way to keep clothes looking bright, white, and absolutely vibrant! I could just use bleach, but I like the idea of using something a little less harsh on a daily basis, and I’m even willing to forgo the bleach all together! Here is how to whiten and brighten clothes!

How To Whiten And Brighten Clothes
The solution to your yellowing clothes is really so simple: JUST ADD VINEGAR! It might seem too good to be true, but I promise it works.
All you have to do is add a cup of white vinegar to a pot of hot water, boil water. Soak your yellow clothes on the stovetop in your pot of boiling water and vinegar. Remove from heat and let the clothing soak for 24 hours.
After your whites (ah hem..mine were more like yellows *GROSS*) have been soaking for 24 hours, run them through a regular wash cycle and hang them outside to dry.
Alternatively, you can add a cup of vinegar to every load of laundry you do to help keep whites looking white, and it helps to make colors appear deeper and more vibrant! Vinegar really is nature’s laundry savior!
I hope this laundry tip on how to whiten and brighten clothes helps you! I know that it completely changed the way I did laundry. Comment below and let me know how it works for you.
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