How often do you feel overwhelmed, overworked, or just down right exhausted? Life can get the best of us sometimes, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you are running from place to place.
1. Set Monthly Goals
Set three goals every month, and reward yourself when you complete them! Setting small goals every month can help you start new habits and achieve everything you’ve ever wanted out of life!
2. Clean Out Your Closet
Is it really any surprise to any of us that a clutter-free brain starts with a clutter-free closet? It’s time to get rid of anything you’ve been “meaning” to wear. Plus, with more free space, we can buy more new clothes, right?
3. Set A Morning Routine
Stop running out the door in the morning, and create a morning routine that will set your day off on a high note! This Blissful Mind has a terrific blog post that will help you plan out your morning routine. Pssst…it should include at least one thing you LOVE doing!
4. Unsubscribe From Emails
Know what the number one time sucker is? EMAILS YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT! Seriously! How annoying is it to have to read it and delete it! Take time this month to unsubscribe from all emails you don’t care about. You’ll thank yourself later!
5. Make Your Lunch Ahead of Time
If you work during the day, I’m sure you’re no stranger to the morning “where’s my lunch?” scramble. I’ve whipped up some pretty incredible things in less than five minutes as I’m heading out the door. My number one life simplifying tip? PACK YOUR LUNCH THE NIGHT BEFORE. Really! You’ll be eating so much healthier the following day, and your morning will be so much less stressful!
6. Eat Healthy At Work
I know it’s hard, trust me. I love my mid-afternoon Chex-Mix snack. But it’s so much better for you, productivity wise, to eat healthy snacks at work! You’ll feel less sluggish throughout the day if you munch on carrot or celery sticks, peanut butter, pita chips, and hummus! Goodbye, salty snacks!
7. Fold Your Clothes Differently
Instead of folding your clothes so they all stack on top of one another, fold them vertically, so they’re all standing up! When you store clothes standing up, you have easier access to the pieces you want to wear. You’ll get out the door in no time at all in the morning!
8. Use A To-Do List
Write a To-Do list for the following day each night before bed. If you’re like me, you’ll be worried about tomorrows tasks anyway! When you get them out of your head, and on paper before you go to bed, you might feel more rested and more prepared for the following day.
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